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Continuous Improvement Through Coherence

District goals are identified through analysis of the evidence shared in the Enhancing Student Learning Report, continuous learning reports, operational reports and school learning plans. The aim is to enhance learning for all students and to ensure that each student is able to graduate with dignity, purpose, and options for their future.

SD8’s four learning goals include numeracy, literacy, inclusion and Indigenization and can be found in the Strategic Plan. Within these four learning goals, SD8 specifically focuses on fostering equity for all learners.

By ensuring that school learning plans, operational plans, and continuous improvement reports support and align with the Board of Education’s strategic plan, there is opportunity for coherent planning and efficient use of resources while building towards student success.

2023-2024 Continuous Learning Reports 

Aboriginal Education Plans

School Learning Plans

Elementary Schools

Elementary-Secondary Schools

Middle Schools

Middle and Secondary Schools

Secondary Schools

Operational Plans

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